Exporting a Patient's Report to CSV

To export a patient's record (excluding correspondence and attachments):

  1. Select New Patient Report.
  2. Tick next to Full in the Report Type.
  3. Select Patient Select to choose your patient and select OK.
  4. Select Print.
  5. Change the Output Type to File.
  6. In the Select Output Filename enter a name, for example, SMITH.
  7. Select Save (the file SMITH.txt is not used).
  8. In the Reporting dialog for the Output Format, select Comma Separated Value.
  9. Select OK.
  10. In the Print to File dialog type in the file name, and note the location.
  11. The document can be opened in Excel.

Note -There are alternative ways to print out patient data in Consultation Manager - select the Reports Index and All Consultations, then the Encounter Report. The attachments need to be printed separately.